It is odd that we expect very specific, targeted skin care for different parts of our face, but by and large tend to lump great swathes of the rest of our skin into just a couple of groups: body, hands, feet.
People go to great lengths to find the right facial skin care routines, so it seems logical to apply the same attention to detail to our body skin care. This is especially true, since not all epidermis is the same and therefore different areas of our skin have distinctly different needs.
The skin on our face is very different from the skin on our torso, which is different from the skin on our feet and hands which is different from the skin on our legs. Despite enveloping our entire body, the protective layer that is our skin, the layer that shields us from the environment, disease, pollution, UV rays and so on, is unique to the particular area it is covering.
Our body skin varies in thickness depending on the wear and tear it goes through and because of the subcutaneous layer of fat underneath our skin. This also means our bodies are less sensitive and less susceptible to fine lines and wrinkles. Nevertheless, with fewer oil glands on our body, dry skin and isolated dry patches are a lot more common, hence the need, like on our faces, for specialist targeted products.
How to Focus on Your Body Skin Care
More Time Hydrating
No matter whether you shower or bath, if it’s in the morning or at night, make sure you take more time during this to care for your skin. Shave, scrub, oil, wash and moisturise, and your skin will be instantly rejuvenated. By taking the time to pamper yourself every day, you will reap the benefits and start to feel more confident in your skin.
Similar Routine to Your Face
Just like your face needs a core routine every day, so does your body. A deep but gentle targeted cleanse is essential as is the correct type of moisturiser; your body needs to stay hydrated and daily moisturiser application will help to maintain this.
Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
In order to help your body skin feel firmer and to get rid of any dead skin that has been building up, it’s important to exfoliate every few days. It will rejuvenate the top layer of your skin and your skin will feel better for it.
Luxury Body Skin Care Products
At Jarvis, we believe that it is important to develop the right product for the right function. We work with clients to understand not only the market they are targeting, but also to understand what part of the body they are targeting. We know that every skin care solution will differ slightly from person to person, and that one product will not fit all. Producing white label may work commercially for some markets, but as you will now appreciate it comes with many compromises, too many to be capable of fulfilling the needs of serious skin care. At Jarvis, we create skin care, not compromises.
If you would like to discuss this topic further with our industry experts, please get in touch.